To establish, maintain, manage and control the shelters for the use of general public at the time of festivals, Social Innovation, social-education social welfare, functions and Meals etc, with the permission of concerned authorities and also make best efforts for sanitation in those functions.


To create a sense of brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the general public, nationally and internationally.


To provide ordinary people with the opportunity to experience a culture a world away from their own, to broaden horizons and to stimulate self-development.


To promote learning opportunities in underprivileged communities, by encouraging good educational outcomes, healthy lifestyles and inspiring the confidence in people to built their own brighter futures.


To prevent and relieve poverty.


To advance educational outcomes & improve health care in disadvantaged communities in India through self-development.


To advance citizenship & community development in India, through the promotion of self-development and cross cultural learning opportunities.


Skill and training based projects in the International volunteering.


The aim of the Department is to develop students’ knowledge and skill in agriculture engineering by giving professional and academic training in the board area of mechanization and farm machinery, soil and Water Engineering, post-harvest technology, farm structure and Rural Engineering.


To make adequate arrangements and start the rehabilitation centers for destitute, Street Children’s, widows, old men and women, poor beggars, orphans, handicapped, blinds, deaf, dumb mentally retarded and for other needy people.


To collect Information, Notices, Notifications, policies from the Government, semi-government, national/International Agencies and N.G.O.(s) and also provide the same to the general public.


To take up effective, reasonable and lawful steps for the solution of the problems relating to the General Public.


To provide legal medical aid, social economic help and assistance to the needy people.


To approach to the competent authorities or court/courts to safeguard the rights of the general public and for the public interest from time to time as the Trust may deem fit and proper.


To organize and raise funds, including donations, towards the Chief Minister/Prime Minister Relief Funds.


To undertake programs, project, and research or work that will encourage any action that results in the social and charitable purpose.


To create awareness regarding the importance of the environmental Development and the environmental science and to provide necessary facilities for the environmental protection.


To organize seminars, group discussions and training Programme in the fields of Environment and Agriculture.


To generate the required awareness for launching and mobilizing the people’s movement for Green India and Clean India.


To promote, aid, assist, help, finance, guide, organize, plan, undertake, develop, maintain, carry on channelise, and co-ordinate scientific research, development, demonstrating, training and extension in the field of agriculture, horticulture, agro-forestry, social forestry, tree and crop management, forage production bio-mass, irrigation, soil-conservation, water and water shed management, dry-land farming development of waste land, renewable source of energy, environment protection.


That trust make Feature Film & Ad Films, Advertising, Tele Film, T.V. Serial and Social Entertainment, for Advertisement on all major Selected Channels Designing Video Add making, Radio commentary and Documentary film etc.


That trust work for coordinator/Media consultant/Advisor/ Organizer of Media related works, and Ad Films, Advertising, News, Print and Electronic Media, Press Conference and Social Entertainment etc.


To arrange and manage the vocational training institutions School and colleges in Fine Art, Crafts, Music Painting, Modeling, Dancing, Yoga, Photography education and in other professional training subjects.


To develop a good teaching faculty and invite experts in the field of Indian classical dances especially katak and promote research, documentation and dissemination on the various aspects of the dance form.


To provide libraries, publish books & Films on educational, cultural & social subjects, organize discussions & seminars to impact knowledge & understanding amongst the people.


To provide hostels & residential accommodation that may be considered necessary for the student & for member of the staff that may be made eligible for it.


To establish & maintain institutions for the handicapped & for adult education, like vocational training in vocations of household industry, semi-skilled job for self-employment, short hand & type-writing , social science, languages, fine arts craft, music, painting, modeling, physical training etc.


To provide the best education available in some of the best Institute/school in Delhi, Emphasis would be on character building, self-discipline & the development of the creative &social facilities. The Trust aims at producing well informed & well assured young children just the kind of children that our country needs.


To strive to meet changing need of providing comprehensive education to develop various facets of personality and to impact education to children on the most modern lines & provide an environment congenial to growth & development of the children.


To found, assist & maintain and run, establish the centers for providing the education program from lower level into higher level related with all languages, and other training center etc. organize social cultural programs, functions, for development and mankind.


To promote and strengthen an enabling environment which recognizes children’s rights and child developments wherever possible through the alumni of the School, the present student of the school, the School and sensitized members of Trust.


To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, support and/or help the various community development programmes / activities and also construct and develop the community Halls, Marriage Homes, Night Shelters, sulabhShochalayua(s) (convenient Toilets) Old Age Homes, Orphanage, Health Care Centers, hospitals, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Yoga Training Centers, Mahila Ashram and other building/institutions for use of general public and for the welfare of the general public.


To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in setting up and/or maintaining or running hospitals nursing homes, Maternity Homes, Clinics, charitable dispensaries, Mobile Hospital & Ambulance, Sanitarium and Medical Institution of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic or Allopathic, Surgery, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Naturopathy or any other modes of treatment and other establishment for providing medical relief, medicine facility to the poor sick, infirm people further to accept donation/s in the above context.


To Start, establish, run take down or manage and maintain schools, with an object to provide sound pre-primary, primary Secondary and senior secondary education to children by seeking recognitions and affiliation from the educational departments/concerned Govt. Authorities.


To develop and establish such out of school activity centers for the children of the children of the under privilege class of trust where they could have the benefit and enjoy of participating in sports, games, artistic, activating like printing, day and wood work, music, dancing and develop skills in debating elocutions, participate in excursions, educational trips and such other activities.


To implement the schemes of development for women and children de-addiction, adult-education, family planning vaccination and welfare schemes of government agencies and propagate.


To establish & maintain institutions for the handicapped & for adult education, like vocational training in vocations of household industry, semi-skilled job for sold employment, short hand & type-writing, social science, languages, fine arts crafts, music, painting, modeling physical training etc.


To arrange and manage the training institution in typing shorthand, computer, modeling, cutting & tailoring, Vocational Course, Yoga, Physical, educational, Architect, modern Art and other social activities if Awareness Programmes, Adult Education classes, lectures, essay.


To give provide and/or render food. Medicine and other help and/or assistance in any shape or form to the poor, deserving and needy persons.


In the event of dissolution or winding up of the TRUST, the assets remaining as on the date of the dissolution shall under no circumstance be distributed among the Governing Body Members but the same shall be transferred to another charitable trust, Trust, association or other institution whose object are similar to those of the TRUST and which enjoy recognition under Section 80-G of Income Tax Act, 1961.


And to do all necessary Acts, deeds and things for the betterment of Women Children & people.

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